Scripture Reading – 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 & Ephesians 2:11-22

In Isaiah, it is declared, “I am doing a new thing” (Isaiah 43:19), which has always been a scripture that rings with excitement and mystery for many. It’s one of those declarations that stir up the people of God for a new purpose, a new vision, but if I’m being honest, I am not someone who likes anything “new.” I am someone who is prepared and thrives in knowing what’s ahead. We’re talking about laying out clothes for the following day the night before, meal prepping for the week, having a detailed calendar of all events, and trying to anticipate future trials, tribulations, and celebrations. I enjoy routine and find comfort in what’s known and expected. And I think that’s one thing that is beautiful about the God we serve; He is found both in the routine and the known, and also in the most unexpected of ways. Sometimes, I can find myself missing opportunities of His love and grace because, knowingly or unknowingly, I don’t want to step into the new things He is doing or the new ways He wants to shape or use me. 

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

This scripture applies to our salvation, but it also refers to the ways that as we walk faithfully with Jesus, we are continually being renewed day by day. There are always new things Jesus wants to reveal. And as much as I find comfort in knowing how I have experienced His love in the past, I have found that my greatest adventures with God have come when I step into the mystery and trust that whatever is next and whatever is new is only for the good of myself and those around me. 

Maybe you are someone who has practiced the discipline of fasting before, or maybe this is your first time, but regardless, I encourage you not to anticipate the ways God is going to move or try to predict what He will teach you. Instead, look for His Presence in all moments of your day. Live in the present instead of preparing for the future during these few weeks, and ask God what new thing He wants to show you during this time. If you’re going to be prepared for anything, expect God to speak to you and expect whatever He asks you to step into that it will be better than anything you could imagine for yourself. It’s going to be good! 

Take a few moments today to surrender your desires and plans for this time and realign your heart with the Father’s so you’re ready for whatever new things He wants to show you. What is God saying to you in this moment? Write down what you hear and keep your eyes open to encounter His goodness today.

Jenna Christie

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