Make God big again. This is what I’ve been working on for the last several months. I have been constructing a list of the times that God has shown Himself faithful. Some of the things on my list are other people’s experiences. The truth of the matter is when I am going through hard times, I don’t always see God at work at the moment, but afterward, I look back and say, “God, I see what You did there.”  And in remembering, I am reminded that He is faithful.  I encourage you to take some time and reflect on how God has shown Himself faithful to you.  Make a list of around 10 instances or occurrences that you can review throughout the day. I keep mine in my notes on my phone, so it’s always accessible. Because here’s what I know: we all experience something throughout the day that makes God feel small.  Usually, when I am feeling afraid, anxious, or hopeless, it’s because I have experienced something that has made God feel small in my perception.  I’m learning that when this happens, it is time to take a quick reflection.  So, I pause, and I pray, “Lord, what have I experienced today that’s made You small in my sight?”  I confess to Him what is revealed to me.  Then I immediately go to my list on my phone and start reviewing His faithfulness.   I read it over and remember.  By doing this, I start making him big again.  In reality, God has never been small, but all too often, I perceive that what I am experiencing is bigger than Him. The antidote that I have found in my life is to confess the lie and rehearse the truth.  How about you?  Let’s practice together and make God big again.

Take some time today and start building your own list of ways that you’ve seen God move in your life.  Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you when He has shown Himself faithful. Write it down and keep this list close to you.

Psalms‬ 34‬:1‬-3‬
I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak His praises. I will boast only in the Lord; let all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt His name together.

Tony Bleckley

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